Welcome to the wonderful world of couponing where you can save tons of money on a daily basis! Here are a few answers to some questions you may have. Please feel free to email me any questions and I'll be sure to get back to you!

Where can you find coupons?
The Ledger's Sunday paper has weekly Smart Source, Red Plum, Proctor &Gamble and/or General Mills coupon inserts.You can also find blinkies, which are little boxes with a red blinking light around Publix that pop out coupons. Printable internet coupons are another great source. My favorite sites for them are Coupons, Smart Source, Target & Red Plum. Also you can ask around. My family members and friends donate their coupon inserts to me!

What coupons should you save?
Seriously - all of them! You never know what's going to be on sale so I keep all of my insert coupons up to three months.

How do you organize your coupons?
I don't clip any of them out until I'm ready to use them and  I have them in a neat stack sorted by date and coupon insert. For instance, I first stack all of my Smart Source insert coupon booklets by oldest date, then I stack my Red Plums inserts and so on.

When should you use your coupons?
Only use coupons when an item is on sale. The best time to use coupons is when an item is buy one, get one free (BOGO) and you can stack your coupons. For example, say cereal is on sale at Publix (BOGO), you can use two coupons, one for each product, to get a great deal. But also remember, just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you have to use it. If you're purchasing items just because you have a coupon you're really not saving. One exception is on items you can get free or close to free. I will purchase ANYTHING that ends up being close to free or free with my coupons. There is always someone that can use it, i.e. donation centers, churches, schools, etc.

How do you shop using coupons?
It's all about stockpiling! When you find a great deal on a product you and your family will use, stock up on it. If your child's favorite cereal is on sale, you have coupons for it and the total after coupons is only $1, buy several. Then you'll be stocked up on it and won't have to buy it for a while. Do this every week and you'll have a nice stockpile for your pantry.

How much should you typically spend on a weekly grocery trip?
When you first start out stockpiling, you tend to spend a little extra until you get your stockpile going. After a few weeks of stockpiling, I would say a good goal would be about $15-$20 per week, per person in your family. Four our family of four, we now typically spend a maximum of $50 a week total, and that's including toiletries, and cat and dog food!



