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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Here are the best deals at Publix this week!

Ken's Steak House Marinade BOGO $2.99 - use two 8/14 SS $1 coupons = $.50 each

Keebler Chips Deluxe or Vienna Fingers BOGO $3.59 - use two 8/7 RP $1 coupon AND print this B3G1 Target Coupon = $.40 each

Aunt Jemima Waffles BOGO $2.39 - print this $1 coupon twice = $.20 each

Kids Cuisine BOGO $2.47 - print this $1 coupon (code 63829897) = $.74 each

Domino Sugar (5 lbs) $2.99 - use the 6/26 RP $.60 coupon = $2.39 each

Caprisun Juice Drinks $1.79 - print this $.50 Target coupon = $1.29 each

Advil Pain Reliever (40-50 ct) $4.49 - use two 8/14 RP $2 coupons AND use the Publix Green Flyer $5/2 coupon = TWO FREE + $.02 in overage!

Suave Naturals Body Wash 3/$5 - print this $.50 coupon AND use the Publix Green Flyer $.55 coupon = $.62 each

Honeydew Melons = $2.99 each

Cantaloupes = $2.50 each

Kraft Mac & Cheese BOGO $1.59 = $.80 each

Blue Bell Ice Cream 2/$9 - print this $1 coupon = $3.50 each

In Ad Coupon:
$8 off Enfamil Infant Formula

(SS = Smart Source, RP = Red Plum, PG = P&G, GM = General Mills - coupons found in The Ledger or Orlando Sentinel)

For a full list of Publix deals, visit I Heart Publix
(Our prices/deals often differ from IHP, so be sure to check it against the Publix ad here)


Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

If you got the coupon book that was in Publix a few weeks ago (don't know what it was called, but they had Kelloggs cereal, Eggo, Keebler, etc) there are coupons for $2 off a gallon of milk when you buy 2 Keebler cookies!

